USB RS-232 Emulation Driver

The USB RS-232 Emulation Driver is not a real driver but an INF which tells Windows what to do with the device. What it is with the INF file is that its a generic USB driver with the windows serial port driver. What this does is to USB device to act like a serial port. So this is a USB generic driver and a generic serial port driver. The files are USBSER.SYS and MSPORTS.DLL.

USB RS-232 Emulation Driver

The most common use of the RS 232 emulation driver is the INF file being used by the Android driver within the Samsung Android CDC Serial Driver which you can also find on this website. It uses the MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android)  driver. There is also a Linux USB serial port emulator. The Linux USBView allows you to see the emulators and devices already on your Linux system. You can find this online which allows you to see the USB tree on Linux. This is the pl2303gt driver as well as see the usb rs232 driver.

You will note that the CDC driver itself is built into Windows as it is. The only thing the INF files does is tell the computer how to the the driver which already exists, Normally in the Windows Device Manager you can find it under “Unknown Device”. You will need to right click on “update driver” and then point it to the INF file. The PC will now show the device correctly. Restart your computer when you are done.

Keep in mind that your USB to RS232 cable won’t function properly without a compatible and reliable driver installed on your system. The driver is essential for emulating a virtual RS232 communication port through the USB connection on a Windows PC.

See also  Samsung NP-X25K000 Bluetooth Driver

Lastly also see the SAMSUNG Mobile USB CDC Driver as well as the USB-Serial Port adapter (RS-232) in Ubuntu Linux.




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